Implant Dentistry
Cordova, TN

Restore your health and confidence with dental implants

Don’t let failing or missing teeth affect your health and confidence any longer. At Cordova Dentures & Implants, we understand the significant impact of tooth loss. Our specialized implant dentistry services are tailored to address this issue, providing effective solutions that enhance your dental well-being and self-assurance.

Our dental implant services include:

Overview of Dental Implants

Dental implants bring the ultimate solution for missing teeth. Our doctor uses his expertise to direct your implant case at every stage.

All-On-4® Implants

The All-On-4, “Teeth in a Day” procedure consists of removing any remaining teeth, placing implants, and then securing a beautiful, fixed, functional smile over the course of a single day!

Snap-In Implant Dentures

Snap-In Implant Dentures are similar to dentures, but come with special fittings that allow them to attach, or “snap-in” to the dental implants our doctor places.

Single & Multi-Tooth Implants

Single Tooth Implants or Multi-Tooth Implant Bridges are the best way to repair falling or missing teeth in a localized area.

If you’re seeking solutions for failing or missing teeth, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today. At Cordova Dentures & Implants, we are dedicated to helping you achieve a confident and complete smile.

Other Dental Services

Do you have dental anxiety or a fear of the dentist? If so, sedation dentistry can help! At our office, we offer a variety of sedation options depending on what is right for you.